Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) & Environmental Clearance (EC)
All new projects or activities, expansion and modernization of existing projects, any change in product – mix listed in the Schedule to the EIA Notification 2006 requires prior Environmental Clearance from MoEF/SEIAA. On basis of Terms of reference issued by the Expert Appraisal Committee an EIA study is conducted and Public Consultation is done. A Final EIA report is prepared & presented to the EAC/SEAC. Based on the recommendations of EAC/SEAC the MoEF/SEIAA grants Environmental Clearance.
Environmental Clearance is the procedure to get clearance from the government for the installation and modification (amendment) of certain projects. It is mandatory for projects which can cause high environmental Pollution. Indian Constitution made a list of those projects under EIA Notification 2006, which includes mining, thermal power plant, infrastructure, etc.
Environmental Clearance are mandatory regardless of the type of project in areas which are ecologically fragile such as – coastal area, wetlands, anthropological sites, international border areas, national parks & sanctuaries, areas of scientific and geological interests, etc.
The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has also introduced a colour codification for industries depending on their impact of environment. Industries are classified on a pollution potential index as red, orange, green and white industries to differentiate environmental clearance process across categories.